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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Scrapping Stimulus...

It's another Saturday, and hopefully, another weekend of creating!

Now, anyone who knows me, knows my scrapping space (and my house for that matter) can be a bit of a, well, a mess... So this Saturday I found a quote that makes me feel a little better...

"One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries"
~A. A. Milne

How nice to know that Whinnie The Pooh's creator knew a thing or two about being in a bit of a mess!

I hope it inspires you for the weekend! Wether it's to make a mess and get creative, or to realise how much of a mess you're in and that you might need to do a bit of sorting to find that exciting discovery...



Diana Meade said...

Thanks for the quote. I do admit that it is a joy to work on a clean table, but I also have the ability to just shovel it aside to get a new project going. Sometimes I have to strike while the idea's hot. Who wants to use up all your juice to clean? Not me. Have a creative day!

Unknown said...

that's a perfect quote for me - I'm alway searching for and discovering treasures on my cluttered desk