I like to display my layouts on my walls and I am very lucky that my husband and children are very encouraging doing so too. So ... I bought a couple of photo frames that will fit my 12" x 12" layouts and a few that will fit my 11" x 8.5" layouts too. Once in a while I change the layouts to have something new to look at. The only 'bad' thing about putting layouts into the frames is that I have to keep the layouts really 'flat' without using foam tape or dots, flowers, chipboard etc.
Now ... that is a challenge for me! But ... luckily manufacturers like Basic Grey have created beautiful coordinating stickers that still give me the opportunity to embellish my pages whilst keeping the layout flat. On the picture below you see our family room (12 year old girl laying on the couch, whilst playing on the PS3 included). Around our TV we put the frames I was talking about. It is hard to see, but I put the layout I made today in the middle frame on the right (just take my word on it, okay ... LOL).
To create this layout I used white cardstock as a base. I stamped some swirls in each corner and cut a large piece of patterned paper from the Basic Grey Marrakech Collection to be a background for my photo. I added the title using Basic Grey Alphabet Stickers. I added some more stickers from the Element Stickers to embellish the page. These included a journaling block which I added at the lower right side and a border sticker, which I added on the left side.
The journaling of this layout reads:
'Love is … Getting rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. - Ephesians 4: 31 – 32 (NIV)'
If you really want to know what the journaling reads in Dutch, this is what it says:
'Liefde is ... alle wrok, woede en haat uit je leven wegdoen. Niet vloeken, geen ruzie maken en elkaaar niet beledigen; vermijd alles wat slecht is. Wees in plaats daarvan vriendelijk en liefdevol voor elkaar. Vergeef elkaar, zoals God uw zonden heeft vergeven om wat Christus voor u deed. -Efeziërs 4: 31 - 32 (Het Boek)'
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [04 Aug 12:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [05 Aug 11:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
i would love to do this sketch, love your layout, and the sketch is awesome, need to print a large photo first though
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